Monday, March 4, 2013

Monkeys Riding Bicycles.

We are starting to judge ever activity by how long it will take us to complete it.  The longer - the better.  Yesterday we were stuck on either going to the Zoo or to the Safari Park.  The Safari park is super amazing with nearly 200 white tigers, a bunch of pandas, and loads of other exotic animals and you get to drive through and see all of these amazing things.  The price reflects it at $30/person.  I know that back in the states that doesn't seem like much but we're kinda spent out - tired of buying lunch and dinner for 19 days straight as well as everything else that comes up.  The zoo on the other hand only cost the entire family $7 to get in.  So we opted for the zoo.  Our new friends the Whickers chose the safari park and saw all sorts of cool stuff.  They said there was this huge water tank where the glass is right in front of you and you can see into the water.  They dangle meat over it and the huge white tigers leap into the air to get the meat and then splash into the water and swim out.  Sounds pretty amazing.

We didn't see much of that but we still has a pretty good time.  Mike and I had to try not to get too depressed by the animal cruelty but all in all it was a pretty good day. ;)

The chimps were our favorite.  They had a group of them and they were enjoying the weather and wrestling and being as cute as all get out.

For a little over a dollar you could feed the giraffe's - we thought that was pretty cool - check out those tongues!

Cuties.  They had their first falling out today over nothing.  We were waiting for that to happen.

We decided to spring for another $7 for all of us to watch animal cruelty of the 1920's Barnum and Bailey variety. At first we could look past it but it got hard after a while.  We did see leaping tigers, dancing bears, monkeys riding bicycles, a chimp playing drums and parrots playing basketball.

Bad photo but I figured you want to see it anyhow.  These little guys were so terrified of their trainer.  If there is a way for monkeys to happily ride bicycles that would be great because it is pretty darn cute.

I wish I had snapped a photo of the chimp - when he came near us from inside the cage he went nuts like he wanted to tear our arms off.  It was funny in that kind of terrifying "we almost died" kind of way.

Things are going well - we applied for their visas at the American consulate this morning and we leave on a high speed train to Hong Kong tomorrow afternoon.  We are grateful that things are going so well here though we know there will be many things to sort out, work on, and heal from when we get home.

All our love!

1 comment:

  1. We always have a hard time with the animals being mistreated thing! I struggle sometimes at the rodeo. The girls look like they are loving it though. I am grateful and excited that they get to go home soon!
