Friday, March 1, 2013

Day Two in Guangzhou

After lunch yesterday we headed out to the "pet market" down to road.  Though we know the quality of breeding and care for these animals is certainly questionable - that didn't make them any less cute.  Vendor after vendor had beautiful fish, kittens, rabbits, dogs, mice, turtles and all sorts of little things.  No monkeys though.   The girls were happy as were we.  We ventured out again for dinner and walked a "walking only" shopping street directly behind our hotel.  It was store after store of clothing - who knew the Chinese were so fashionable?  We ended the evening at the hotel with the girls trying out our new preschool apps on our phones.  Esther is doing really well on them and will learn to read English in no time because of her familiarity with pinyin.  Of course - it will take her a little longer to actually know what the words mean. ;)

Sometimes Mike and I feel like we are manic here - one moment as happy as can be and the next completely overwhelmed and homesick.   Honestly, I realized last night that I was on the same path that I had been on many times throughout the adoption process.  After the medical visits that confirmed that Pearl is going to need a lot of medical help when she gets back I was finding myself afraid and overwhelmed.  The spirit reminded me that just as in times past - I needed to seek the Lord and to have faith.   During the difficult times on the way here - and there were many - I would wallow in fear and doubt for a little until I remembered that there was Someone greater than myself that could do all things - that He would be there for me if I only asked.  We have most certainly been praying for those things but perhaps not opening our hearts up to receive them.  So, once again, we open our hearts to the Savior - asking for his compassion, his strength, his wisdom and the peace that nothing else in this world can give so completely.  How grateful we are for that knowledge and power.


  1. Megan, you are a constant source of inspiration to me!

  2. Oh, and if there had been monkeys for sale, I would have wired you the money from my "monkey fund" so you could bring me one home.

  3. Lovely! I SO appreciate the opportunity to join my faith with yours for health and provision to press onward!! What a blessing the Peace of the Lord is; and what an inspiring reminder of our Father's great care of ALL our heart's desires!! Blessings!

  4. That photo of Esther on your lap. priceless! Your boys are awesome kids btw :) I love them.

  5. It's funny how I am always a little surprised to see that kittens look the same there as they do there. Maybe I expected them to have slightly narrowed eyes;) Everything will work out well in the end. Miracles will happen but they usually unfold over time.

  6. My granddaughter sucks those two fingers too! So cute
