I'm so grateful that we took the leap of faith that night. When the spirit whispered to my heart that Esther was also our daughter the picture came into my mind of a very tall diving board in the pitch black. I felt as though the Savior were telling me to jump even though it was too dark to even see if there was water down below. And so we took the leap. And almost every day we find ourselves up on that diving board jumping all over again. I am grateful that the Lord's requiring of my faith is to bring more abundance and joy into my life. I am grateful for my girls. My bond with them grows stronger moment by moment. I can feel the swelling deep ocean between us, the noise, the commotion but also the strong binding cords of eternity.
An ancient chinese proverb says that an invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break. I feel that thread growing thicker and stronger and pulsing with life more and more each day. It is holding us fast as the machine of adoption brings us closer and closer to one another. I feel that they feel it too though they don't know it. Oh, my sweet precious girls. I'm coming.
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