I haven't posted since we got home because I've been so tired and because most of what we're doing doesn't naturally warrant a photo be taken. We are taking it pretty easy with movies, games, drawing, playing, loads of trampoline jumping, and sleeping. Elijah is still down for the count and the rest of us are hoping we can steer clear of that.
OK - so we're missing a few springs! |
We're still trying to figure out the girl's new diet(let alone their personalities!). They were big eaters in China but their appetites have dwindled here. None of us who traveled have been too hungry but still - we want to make sure they aren't hungry all the time. Tonight we had our first Chinese cuisine with stir fry and noodles. They were happy though of the boys only Andrew ate it. It appears that Cheetos, Doritos, Sunny-D, and fruit snacks are universal kids foods. We usually wouldn't eat that stuff but someone included it and it has been awesome - the kids are all happy campers with the snacks.
Several times throughout the day the girls will retreat to their room and close the door. We thought they must need some alone time - which they do - but I think mostly it is to lock the cat in with them. They have found a new baby in the cat. It's pretty cute.

Esther has been loving on a hand-me-down doll from a friend. She has reverted a little bit- which is typical among adopted children. They will often act younger than they are as a reaction to the stress and perhaps earlier pain in their life. She is sucking her fingers most of the day, making childish sounds, sticking her tongue out and generally acting acting more like a toddler than a 9 year old. While I was totally aware that it might happen it is still strange to parent. We are taking it in stride and she seems to be getting better every day. I am sure losing some of her language with us is contributing because she cannot communicate with us in her typical fashion and so she reverts back to toddler-ease. She is helpful and sweet and is totally willing and ready to be loved by us. We're all just trying to find our way through this.
Pearl is doing really well. She is happy, funny, sleeping like a champ, and as cute as a button. She was obviously well prepared by the ladies who loved her at the orphanage. We are so grateful for them.

Tomorrow morning we are calling to make doctors appointments for them both. Esther has scoliosis but it doesn't seem too extreme perhaps because of Pearl's back. Pearl has a lot going on in her back. Her spine splits into two and does all sorts of weird stuff we can feel back there. When she bends over or hunches she has a large hump on her back. She can stand up straight but there is definitely a lot going on back there and we can't wait to see what. Otherwise they are both in good health. Though they will both need some MAJOR dental work. We are so glad to be home. We are looking at different options to help them learn english and get going on some homeschooling. It is honestly less stressful than I feared it might be - most of what we're dealing with will take care of itself naturally with the passage of time.